Prihoda Journal

New Installation

House of Cards studio, Montreal, Canada

This is an installation for the Netflix studio series “House of Cards”. Achieving the sound requirements for film studios such as this is challenging because of the large spaces requiring very low noise levels. System Sound Analysis in our Air Tailor software lets us analyse diffuser sound generation and adjust the distribution system’s design to meet NC-20 noise level requirements for virtually any application, including highly-sensitive sound stages and recording studios. Movie and Prihoda magic never cease to amaze!


  • Available airflow: 67.960 m3/h
  • Diameter: C1.016
  • Length of diffusers: 141 m
  • Material: PMS BC, PMS WH

67.960 m3/h

of air passes through our diffusers

141 m

of diffusers have been installed

87 Pa

pressure is harbored in our diffusers