Lifespan And Warranty


What is the service-life duration of Prihoda Fabric Ducts?

This is not a short term solution. Diffusers made from good quality fabrics will last for fifteen years or longer. Light fabrics (PLS, NLS, approx. 100 g/m2) with maximum permitted number of 50 washing procedures or the cheaper (usually polyethylene Foils (NLF) susceptible to tearing) may have limited durability.

Warranty period

We provide the following warranty period:

1) Customized textile diffusers and ducting designated for buildings (apart from the parts specified under Points 2 and 3)
A) 10 years
Fabrics: Prihoda Classic (PMS, NMS), Prihoda Premium (PMI, NMI), Prihoda Recycled (PMSre, NMSre) – including Prihoda Art, Prihoda Durable (NMR)
B) 2 years
Fabrics: Prihoda Plastic (NMF), Prihoda Foil (NLF), Prihoda Glass (NHE), Prihoda Translucent (NMT)
C) 2 years (max. 50 washing cycles)
Fabrics: Prihoda Light (PLS,NLS) - including Prihoda Art, Prihoda Hydrophobic (NLW)
D) 1 year
other than the specified fabrics, graphics other than Prihoda Art
2) Serial and special products and parts
A) 2 years
QuieTex, Lantern, Squairetex, Membrane diffuser, Insulated duct, Double ducting, Fabric Shutter, Equalizers, Damper, Beat Absorber, LucentAir, Airport Ducting, Antistatic Design
B) 2 years (max. 50 washing cycles)
Defrost Damper
3) Non-fabric accessories
A) 5 years
B) 2 years
C) 1 year
Zippers, Arcs, Tyres, Helix, Tensioners, Manually operated flap, Winches, Mounting material

Warranty conditions:

The warranty period is deemed to start on the day of sale. For warranty to be valid all installation and maintenance instructions must be followed, in addition to good practice for the maintenance of the supply air units. One condition of the ten-year warranty is a fan that has a slow start-up or the use of rings, arcs or tensioners in the profile. Additionally, supply air must be filtered to at least EU3 and the ducts washed or cleaned every 12 months. Chemicals used which may have an adverse affect on the material or ancilleries will invalidate the warranty. Dripping water can be coloured by the fabric colour.


Let us prepare a customized solution for you